Friday, 1 May 2015

Fullybooked this April

April 2015 has been jam-packed with endless gatherings and activities for Baby Charley. As much as we wanted to say, “Yes” to every invitation, we could not, so we just prioritized where to go.

For example, Baby Joaqui’s (Baby Charley’s cousin) first birthday party fell on the same date as my boss’ wedding. Since, it is virtually impossible to attend both, Team Hernandez just decided that Baby Charley and her Dad would attend the Carnival party while I attend the formal wedding party. This way, we could accommodate both invitations. Unfortunately, we had to decline two birthday parties that fell on the same weekend.

Two days after, we’re invited to a small dinner for a simple celebration of the end of the school year. We went to Hossein’s Persian Kebab in Makati Ave for an awesome, awesome dinner. It was our first time to eat there, and we enjoyed all the food. Too bad we kinda miscalculated Baby Charley’s slight changes in her sleep pattern. We stayed a little late, so Baby Charley became a bratty teenager with all her mood swings. Yes, she would laugh and giggle then turn the place upside down with her wails. Next time, we have decided that a lunch would be friendlier to Baby Charley. So, we’re looking forward to a lunch out and swimming at Rockwell Club.

Then, that weekend, we went to Batangas for Baby Hailey’s (Baby Charley’s cousin) first birthday party. This time, we were able to attend together as a family, so you could say my roommate (my husband, btw) was pretty excited since he could hang out with the boys. Since the Princess party was from 11 am till mid afternoon, we prepared a lot of change of clothes and milk supplements for Baby Charley. Unfortunately, we needed to miss a Superhero party of my close friend’s daughter. We just agreed on a lunch out some time in May.

Two days after the birthday party, we dropped by my Mom’s house in De Joya for a simple 60th birthday celebration. It was a family-only affair so we just had dinner, cake, and ice cream. On the same day, my brother had to go to my cousin’s house for an adult birthday party (read as: drinking party). My roommate politely declined the invitation since it’s just the three of us, and any help is necessary.

The following day, my mom, my brother, and his family then went to Bataan for a Baptismal party. Here, we gotta decline, too, since it was tooooooo far for Baby Charley. She’s just gonna drive everyone crazy during the travel time. Besides, do you honestly believe we can prepare the baby to leave at one in the morning? So, no, thank you.

This Saturday, my roommate and I have to weigh our options really really well since there are two important events that are gonna happen: 1)my Mom’s 60th birthday celebration with the Sibulo Clan, and 2)a mini reunion plus pool party of roommate’s Lumanglas clan. We understand that we have to be present in both, and it could have been so much easier if it were just the two of us, but we need to include Baby Charley now in the plan. So far, no decisions yet.

Hopefully, my roommate and I could still squeeze a Team Hernandez bonding time with just the three of us before May starts. Should that happen, that’s gonna be the best among all of these!ü

Best Day Ever

*Update: We have weighed our options and decided to attend my Mom’s 60th birthday celebration first. The plan was we would just go to the Lumanglas party early the next morning – it was an overnight event anyway. However, we were misinformed that it was, and instead, it was only until 12midnight of Saturday. Too bad we learnt it late; my roommate (my husband, btw) was too “tipsy” to drive and Baby Charley was too tired to be civilised. In fact, we had to leave my Mom’s party early (around 10:30pm) because Baby Charley could not sleep with all the noise in the house. 

Seriously, why do they have to be on the same weekend – the last weekend of April before I go back to work? Rawr.

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